
Investing You

We are recognised as an Investor in People underlining our committment to staff training, support and supervision. We realise the difference people make to our work. It is the dedication and empathy of our team that has enabled us to provide a wider service to our service users over the years.

If you have those caring skills and energy to make that difference, we would like to hear from you. Perhaps you’ve had some considerable experience of providing care and just want a change or the opportunity to increase your chances of working when and where it suits you. Maybe you are re entering work or are new to care. We can provide what you are looking for. Either way we will provide you with the support and encouragement you need.

We select staff on their qualities of friendliness, compassion, integrity, reliability, and professionalism.

We carefully screen through The Disclousure and Barring Service (DBS) and the Barred Lists. Two references are always taken up and checked thoroughly.

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A Caring Career at Chelston

Our Values and Behaviours


Our company values and behaviours have been developed from staff comments and feedback during appraisals, probationary reviews and 1 to 1 support meetings.

Through adoption of these principles we have developed a set of core behaviours and attitudes that help us support each other to deliver quality care and working environments reflecting our vision and values. The behaviour framework and principles below apply to all employees.

We want our care group to be a great place to be cared for and a great place to work—an organisation that provides quality, compassionate care and supports its staff. We all play a part in achieving this. Our behaviour framework outlines the values and ways or working that we wish to uphold.

Through these behaviours we can all make a difference to our colleagues and those we look after.

Learning and Development

We offer coaching, mentoring, supervision and learning opportunities throughout your time with us. Continuous employment drives forward the quality of the care we deliver and improves the lives of our clients. Our support for you starts with a full and comprehensive induction programme. This induction will prepare you to a standard over and above the expectations of nationally recognised standards.

During your initial induction week, you will cover:

  • • Aims, objectives and philosophy of care
    • Health and safety code of conduct and confidentiality
    • Safeguarding
    • Personal care tasks
    • Manual handling
    • Principles in dementia care and mental capacity
    • Food hygiene
    • First aid training and fire procedure
    • Company policies and procedures and service specification
    • Employee information
    • Terms and conditions of service

On satisfactory completion of our induction you will be given a care certificate. You are encouraged to continue your learning and development with us. In-house training is ongoing and we also send our staff on certificated external training courses. Our policy is to have sixty percent care staff to be achieving or have achieved diplomas in Health and Social Care. We support staff to take diplomas from levels two to five.

We also have a robust support system. Our staff support leads help new staff settle into their roles. They stay in close contact and there to guide, coach, mentor and address challenges as they arise.
In both the homes and the home care, there are opportunities for career progression. We have carers training to be nurses and there are various senior carer, coordinator, administrative and managerial positions.

We celebrate diversity. Our lives are made rich by a mix of individuals, groups and cultures. Respect and tolerance are central to this. Everyone has a contribution to make and it is up to all of us to encourage and promote that contribution.